Telangana witnesses jump in road accidents to 19,248, 6,690 people died in 2021 : Report

Telangana witnesses jump in road accidents to 19,248, 6,690 people died in 2021 : Report

Hyderabad, Jan 1 (UNI) Telangana witnessed a jump in road accidents to 19,248 in 2021 as against 16,898 accidents in the previous year, Annual Crime report has revealed.

The traffic police authorities managed to collect a record amount of Rs 877 crore for violation of road-safety norms in 2021 against Rs 672 crore in 2020.

Of the total road accidents, 6,690 people died and 18,316 people were injured in 2021 as against 6,033 deaths and 16,591 injuries recorded in 2020, police said in an annual crime report released here on Friday.

The police registered over 2.22 crore cases under Motor vehicle act in 2021 against 1.67 crore cases in 2020. About 85 per cent of the cases were registered for traffic violation and it was done through non-contact and evidence-based cases, the report added.

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